< Bonusan

Crocus Sativus Extract 60's (Currently Unavailable)

Product Name:
Crocus Sativus Extract 60's (Currently Unavailable)
Product ID:
60 Capsules


Sometimes it only takes a drop of something to have a big effect. That's the case for saffron. And that's a good thing because pure saffron is called 'red gold' for a reason. The production process is very labour-intensive and is still done by hand today.

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The product information on The Natural Dispensary website has been provided by the manufacturers and suppliers of these goods. Whilst we do our utmost to ensure that the content on the website is correct, we do rely on our suppliers to inform us of any product changes so that the website can be updated accordingly. Our role is to distribute the products, we do not offer a nutritional or product advice service. Please consult a healthcare professional before taking any of the supplements purchased from The Natural Dispensary.